Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I got my iPod replaced...

Hello all.

I got my iPod replaced.

She is so beautiful is she not?

More pics on my Flickr page:

So here's the story...
I was getting off the bus with my friend to go to his house to do some HW. And just as i was getting off the bus, i opened a new album, and the iPod started clicking really loudly. It wasn't through the ear phones, but actually coming through the case of the iPod. I knew that these things actually had spinning hard drives inside them, but it never occurred to me that they would ever having the problem of crashing...
So what i did was i called the Apple store and told them what was the deal. The guy said that it probably was the iPod's HDD crashing. I went to the Apple store and found out an outright replacement of an iPod with a warranty 7 years out of date would cost me $250. Ouch.
I did however mention that the battery life had been getting shorter and shorter, and the guy told me "Oh! Then that'll only cost you $59."
Umm... OK.

Anyways, check out my flickr page, see my pics, and thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5th Period

Well. At first i have to appologize. I have not been on in at least a month.

"I'm sorry."

Well, now that the tears have finished flowing, time for the meat of the story:

"Wait, there is no meat to this story."


"Yeah, sorry again."

"I hate you."

"..... O.K."

I am in Spang's Marine Science class. Ugh. We are learning about wavelengths and the coriolis effect and stuff. It's kinda cool.

My friend Gabe decided to come to school today. He has been out of school for one and a half weeks.

I'm using one of the computers at the back of the lab.
Haha. Spang made a funny face.

Anyways, no picture(s) today. Sorry. I know, I'm upset with myself as well.

More soon (hopefully)

Bye bye, Taizo